วันพุธที่ 4 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Fast Fitness Tips - You Can Lose Your "Love Handles" With Spot Reducing Exercises - Truth Or Myth?

You stand before the mirror, and you notice that your stomach and waist are carrying all of the calories that you ate during your summer vacation in Mexico. Somebody told you to join a gym, get a fitness trainer and get set up with a diet and workout routine. But why bother, why not just do some abdominal exercises and burn that belly fat right off. Right? Wrong. In this article, I will debunk the myth that it is possible to lose belly fat, fat thighs, fat butt or fat whatever through "targeted" spot reducing exercises that will reduce just those problem body areas. So, let us look now at the myth:

"You Can Lose Fat From Problem Areas Through 'Spot Reducing' Exercises"

Youth Fitness And Exercise

First of all let me define "spot reducing". "Spot reducing" is the belief that you can remove fat from around certain problem body parts by doing specifically designed targeted exercises.

Why People Believe This - Remember those classic commercials where the fat-lady has the rotating band around her butt that was purported to just "shake the fat off". Even today we see all sorts of fancy infomercial exercise equipment that claim to be "fat busters for abs" or something like that. People believe what they want to believe out of the convenience of doing less work, trying to get the same results instead of doing the proven alternative which requires more discipline and commitment.

The Danger In Believing This - The problem with believing this is that you will continue to eat as you normally eat, and you will continue to gain as you always have.

Why This Myth Is Not True - When you lose weight, your body loses fat all over your body at once. Genetically, you will store and lose weight more or faster in some areas than in others. This is to say that some people genetically gain weight first on the stomach and when they start a correct diet, exercise and weight reduction program, they will lose weight overall of the body and maybe, just maybe lose weight a little faster from, say, the thighs more so than off the butt - but the point is - losing weight is "body-wide" not "body-part-specific".

What Is True To Lose Weight Correctly:

1. Eat 5 to 6 small yet balanced meals a day.

2. Keep your meals at 500 to 600 calories max.

3. Keep your total fat calories at 20% to 25%; this means that if your total meal is 500 calories and the calories from fat are 100 calories, you divide 100 by 500 (large into small gives you percent), and in this example, you would have 20% fat calories which would be totally acceptable to put you into the fat burning mode.

3. Exercise with barbells and dumbbells 3 to 4 times per week, and the days you don't weight lift, jog or do some other type of aerobic activity on an empty stomach for 25 minutes after you have a glass of water and preferably a cup of black coffee (artificial sweetener is okay).

By knowing and doing these things, you will put yourself above the fray and make faster and lasting gains in your goal of fitness and weight loss.

Myth: You can lose fat just around problem areas through "spot reducing exercises".

Outcome: Myth busted.

Fast Fitness Tips - You Can Lose Your "Love Handles" With Spot Reducing Exercises - Truth Or Myth?

And to help you get started creating your perfect body in as little as 12 weeks, you are invited to claim your FREE Instant Access to receive a FREE 10-minute Audio Interview with the 4-page PDF transcript on "How To Get Fit Fast At Any Age" as well as a Free weekly online fitness training and nutrition eCourse when you visit:


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From Charles Prosper - The 12-Week Fitness Guru

