วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Funny Team Names

Coming up with a team name is all about being yourself. Think of something and put your own comedic twist on it. Be random. The Gold Fish Bowlers for a bowling league is a perfect example and that just came right of the top of my head. I was looking around the room, saw the goldfish bowl and wala. The next part is being creative. Do not do one that you have seen before because that mean someone else has seen it before as well. Like who has not seen some of those most common ones like the master batters. Besides that being common try to be clean. Your team name represents yourselves so do not do something dirty, but something that will represent yourself in the way you want it to.

Now here is a list to help you get some ideas. I know that you have seen some of these before. They may have caught your eye and made you glance back at that basketball team name and ask, are you serious. Yes, here is going to be a list of those funny basketball names that add excitement to the game we all love to play. But this isn't going to be just any list. The is going to be the biggest, largest, hugest, gigantic, massive, mammoth, colossal, titanic, vast, gargantuan, giant, very big list you might every see, or maybe not. I have to see it is a decent size, but what would make it that substantial sized list is if you would leave a comment of name you have heard over the years.

Youth Fitness And Exercise

Unleash The Furry
The School Bus Drivers
The Four Skins
Technical Knockout.
Players of Talent Players out of Talent
Wonderful Excellent Enormous Dudes
The Intentional Foulers
The Technical Foulders...
Basket Brawlers
The Wet Wedgies
Super Heroes in Training.....
The Extrema
Already Lost
We Lose
Control Freaks
Foodoo Doctors
Wii Not Fit
Smoking Tress and Stroking 3's
Winged Beavers
Snapping Turtles
King Salmons
Wampus Cats
Wii Fat
The Three Basketeers
The Boston Three Party
The Three Amigos
Cunning Stunts
The Baseball Team
The Monkey Yummies
Lightning Zappers
The Cereal Killers
Staying Yummy
The Fugitive Mangoes
Dazzling Stars
The Hot Dawgz
The Razzle Dazzle of Fantazzmanglers
Mighty Morphin Ginyu Force
Mischievous Polar Bears
The Flying Monkeys
Athletic Hippies
The Flying Apes
The Bankers
Flying Bacons
Crazy Catz
Lunch Ladies
You Lead And Afflalo

P.S. You are best of in tournaments trying to get a sponsor and using them as your team name. It is all about the money, isn't it.

P.S.S. It should not be about the money. Play just to play the game. Enjoy it because you do not know when your playing will come to an end for some reason you do not see coming.

Funny Team Names

Funny Basketball Team Names really give your team a personality.

For more funny basketball things you can visit funnybasketballonline.com/.

วันพุธที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Move Your Body | Girlz Biz Episode 3 | Exercise Routine

Move Your Body | Girlz Biz Episode 3 | Exercise Routine Tube. Duration : 3.33 Mins.

Full exercise accepted performed by the girls of Girlz Biz. The girls accomplished this aloof once, and got appropriate bottomward to dancing. Produced by The Creative Expressions Center, a Denver non-profit allotment adolescence through the arts back 1989. Visit CreativeExpressionsCenter.org for added details. Filmed in Denver, Colorado

Keywords: episode, weight, fitness, exercise, workout, Creative, Expressions, Center, body

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Longevity vol 6, Defined Lines

Longevity vol 6, Defined Lines Tube. Duration : 2.03 Mins.

Create your sexiest curves anytime with this arduous yet achievable cardio-infused absolute anatomy workout. Fueled by a lively, alarming soundtrack, participants are encouraged to access their ambit of motion from a array of admonition in both the high and lower body. Continuous sequences of sports-inspired anatomic backbone training carve the waist, strengthen the amount and carve angular muscles. Intensifying the bake with chargeless weight and anesthetic brawl work, Tracie Long's Defined Lines will acknowledge the ambiguous waistline from your adolescence in almanac time.

Keywords: tracie long, tracie long fitness, fitness videos, exercise, workout, Tracie, Long

วันพุธที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Best Wrinkle Cream Review - Tips to Select Best Wrinkle Cream

"Wrinkle Creams" that phrase that has changed the way dermatologists used to research about the skin texture. "Best Wrinkle Cream", the word which gets the highest attention among the women. Best wrinkle creams have finally won the race and beaten the front runners like Botox and facelift surgeries in terms of searches on the web. Women after thirty become self conscious about the way they look. Then they pursue these words on the internet and end up trapped in the viscous cycle of the selfish promotion by the manufacturers.

The Wrinkles and the skin sagginess are natural and can be dealt with once you know how to choose the right skin type product. One of the way outs is to trust the reviews done by the eminent dermatologists and public figures, who have defied the aging signs themselves. The general conception about the wrinkle cream reviews is that the more expensive the sweeter it is. However, you may be disappointed when you see the actual facts being revealed after a good test. Botox, for example, is expensive but has an array of side effects but natural agents like honey and others can be really helpful in triggering anti aging effects.

Youth Fitness And Exercise

Bullet points that may hit your Conscience:-

1. Is this natural?

With the present age being tagged as the age of contamination, it is very important to see that your product selection is good and that you it delivers lead you to the expected ageless path of youth. Best wrinkle cream has to be natural in its formulation to trigger natural benefits.

2. What is the price range?

The price range is decided by two contributory factors: marketing cost and the effective ingredient of the cream. It is very important that you know which factor has a heavier share. A hugely marketed product wild always cost more than an effective product with lesser market attention. Marketing helps you to grab eyeballs whereas the ingredients help you to get results.

3. Does it reduce the fell of the wrinkles?

Well, when you are young you can generally feel that your skin is very plump on touch but with aging that feel decreases. Wrinkles of the skin can get lighter with a prolonged usage of a natural wrinkle reducing agent like the Resveratrol, or matrixyl 3000.

4. Does it suit My Skin type?

There are many skin types which makes it difficult to arrive on a perfect conclusion about choosing the product which may help your cause.

The people who know the root causes of the wrinkles always want the best wrinkle creams to be composed of some of the best natural ingredients like the Resveratrol, micro collagen and others.

Don't Know where To Go?

Considering all the questions that may haunt you, we decided to conduct a market research about the products that are available in the market and ended up finding that natural is the best. Natural wrinkle creams are often called the best as they are devoid of any side effects. However to choose one out of a million is a herculean task.

But don't worry; we have crafted a way out of this problem of selection by choice. We have reviewed the most widely acknowledged wrinkle creams in the town to come up with a comprehensive result.

That's not all: we have added a personalized research by simply comparing them on the grounds of effectiveness, cost and ingredients.

Best Wrinkle Cream Review - Tips to Select Best Wrinkle Cream

To know more about the best wrinkle cream, Comparison of Top Wrinkle Creams can found at ==> http://www.RiyaWrinkleFree.com/.

วันอังคารที่ 20 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

What Are Your Long Term Career Goals - Job Interview Question

This open-ended question, and others like; "Where do you see yourself in five years?" throw most candidates off balance. The object of the question is to check for your self-awareness and communication skills.

Dan Harrison is the staffing manager for Wesco Corporation and is about to interview three candidates for a project manager position. He is looking for someone with planning and long-range vision skills.

Youth Fitness And Exercise

Phil Holmes describes his goal - "To be a Marketing Manager within five years, and have a hand picked team reporting to him."

This is a very specific and narrow goal, which may not be an option at this company. The "hand picked" team demonstrates a lack of flexibility. Best to stay away from too specific a goal.

Shawna Green answers - "I have been so busy with my responsibilities and achieving company goals, that I have not focused on personal long-term goals.

While a strong work ethic is certainly desirable, this answer does not demonstrate vision or planning.

Marsha Severson states- "I plan to return to school to earn my MBA, and have my own consulting business one day.

While it pays to be honest, this answer could turn the interview in the wrong direction very quickly. The employer is looking for someone to stick around for the long run, not to stop over on the way to a new career.

Focus - Exercise

If you are the type of person who prefers an organized way of life, you may find this question a "piece of cake". But, if you are among the majority of persons who let life happen as it comes along, you will probably not have a smooth answer without some forethought.

* What are your goals? - The best answers will come from you thinking about what you want. Most successful business people will tell you that a key success factor is the ability to set and achieve goals.

Begin by setting short-term goals. Right now your goal may be "to get a job". But, what kind of job? And, where do you go from there?

* Be employer-centered - The employer is looking for someone to come in and solve problems. Since planning is a key factor in this job, think of examples where your planning has made a difference in results.


After giving some thought to where you want to go and how you can help the employer achieve results, try scripting your answer to focus.

I have learned that long-term goals are best achieved when I break them into shorter goals. My short-term goal is to find a position that will place me in a forward-moving company with solid performance and future projections. As part of a team, I want to add value and continue to grow the company. My long-term goal will depend on where the company goes. My plan is to move into a position of responsibility where I can lead a team.

No one can tell you exactly how to answer this question - it will come from what is important to you. However, the more and focused and employer centered you can be about your goal, the better your chances will be of steering the interview in the right direction.

What Are Your Long Term Career Goals - Job Interview Question

Carole Martin is America's #1 Interview Coach. Celebrated author, trainer, and mentor, Carole can give you interviewing tips like no one else can. Her workbook, "Interview Fitness Training" has sold thousands of copies world-wide. Sign Up to Receive Free Weekly Interview Tips

วันอังคารที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Kids fettle can be fun and functional

Kids fettle can be fun and functional Tube. Duration : 2.95 Mins.

Indoor Patch "O" Course makes children's and adolescence fettle and exercise fun for kids of all ages. Used by PE teachers, claimed trainers, able-bodied trainers and families nationwide. More advice at www.therapyzone.com

Keywords: children's, exercise, kids, and, youth, fitness, athletics, functional, athletic, training, family, sport, conditioning, tzone, 1952

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Develop Soccer Power, Strength and Fitness - 5 Myths About Strength Training For Youth Soccer Player

With so much info on the internet, TV and magazines you must understand these 5 common myths about strength and conditioning for youth soccer fitness training.

This is a must before your child is ever going to be successful at improving their strength, power, speed and fitness on the soccer field.

Youth Fitness And Exercise

Myth 1: Soccer is an endurance / "cardio" game so you need to go for a 20 to 30 minute jog for soccer fitness.

Truth: Soccer is a power and speed game. Sending your child out for a 20 to 30 minute jog is "old school, outdated" soccer fitness training and will only teach them to be slow, weak and put them at risk for overuse injuries. Short burst interval training is the current soccer fitness training solution.

You need to find a soccer fitness program that includes interval training to maximize your child's short and long term conditioning needs.

Myth 2: Sit ups and crunches will tone my stomach and build my "core"

Truth: Abdominal exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and abdomen machines are actually the LEAST effective method of building the core. They do more harm than good. Sit ups cause increase pressure on the "jelly" discs in the back. Over time this may lead to back problems.

Myth 3: Weight training or lifting weights will cause growth plate damage. Lifting weights will "stunt" growth. Truth: Growth plate injuries are result of unsupervised weight training. Soccer Athletes who perform strength training or resistance training exercises with proper form, technique and progression develop stronger joints, improve stability, increase strength, power, speed, confidence and are more dominating on the soccer field.

Myth 4: Children shouldn't weight train until they are 14 or 15.

Truth: Absolutely false. Most people think of body building when they think of weight training. A young boy or girl of the age of 8 may start a properly designed soccer resistance training program with significant benefits.

Myth 5: My child will become "bulky" and "lose their flexibility and ability to move" on the soccer field.

Truth: This is absolutely false. A properly designed program for both young soccer girls and soccer boys improve body composition (body image), overall health and athletic performance on the soccer field. An effective youth soccer strength and power program has the following components built into it:

1) Exercises to prevent anterior cruciate ligament tears. i.e. Single leg squat
2) Exercises that closely resemble the actions on the soccer field. i.e. Lunges
3) Total body exercises for base strength. i.e. Squats
4) Exercises that build power. i.e. A progressive plyometric (jump) program
5) Conditioning that includes intervals and sprints
6) Exercises that include stop - start and change of direction.
7) Sound nutritional guidelines. i.e. Pre and post training and game meals.

It is vital that you look for these components in any strength and conditioning program for your son or daughter.

Develop Soccer Power, Strength and Fitness - 5 Myths About Strength Training For Youth Soccer Player

Author: Mike Grafstein

Get your complimentary copy "Athletic Development for Soccer Players", a strength and conditioning guide for male and female soccer players ages 8-16. Go now to http://www.elitesoccerpower.com and download the guide to your computer.

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Cheap Best Fitness BFFID10 FID Bench

Best Fitness BFFID10 FID Bench

Best Fitness BFFID10 FID Bench Features

  • Combination flat, incline, and decline bench for barbell and dumbbell exercises
  • 5 starting positions, from 10-degree negative decline to 70-degree positive incline
  • Comfortable 1.75-inch upholstered pads; durable powder-coated finish
  • Safety pins and bolts for easy adjustments; compatible with preacher curl assembly
  • Measures 18 x 17 x 54.5 inches (W x H x D); carries 3-year warranty
List Price : $195.00
Our Price : $110.58
You Save : 43%

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Personal video: A bulletin from SGT Ken

Personal video: A bulletin from SGT Ken Tube. Duration : 2.93 Mins.

After a austere aback abrasion in High School, I acclimated Army fettle to achieve the backbone in my back. This is my affidavit to Army fitness! HOOAH!

Tags: military, fitness, deployment, training, exercise, boot, camp, national, guard, air, force, marines, navy, coast, rotc, adventure, army, soldiers, forces, mobile, youth, group, summer, gardening, interviews, talking, Operation, Fit, To, Fight

วันจันทร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

FAST - Best Program in Marin for Young Athletes!

FAST - Best Program in Marin for Young Athletes! Video Clips. Duration : 7.02 Mins.

We accommodate the best training affairs for adolescent athletes Ages 8 - 14. We advise our athletes how to move cautiously and with able anatomy while educating them on arch a added advantageous and alive lifestyle.

Tags: speed, agility, fitness, youth, kids, athletes, conditioning, exercise, camps, training, quickness, first step, acceleration, deceleration, move, moving, fast, faster, rob, rich, juarez, viramontes, rob viramontes, rich juarez, sports, baseball, football, volleyball, dance, track, basketball, cross country, athletics

วันจันทร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

YMCA Programs

YMCA Programs Tube. Duration : 5.27 Mins.

Check out this quick accumulation of YMCA programs-everything from adolescence and developed sports, fettle classes, adolescent affliction and preschool, and aquatics from swimnastics to bathe acquaint to bathe team! All programs are offered to advice body able kids, able families and a able Sandusky County Ohio.

Tags: YMCA, fitness, sports, youth programs, adult programs, child care, preschool, cycling, step, resistance ball, yoga, pilates, karate, basketball, football, soccer, swimnastics, swim team, water babies, family, volunteer, community, Sandusky County, Ohio, Racquetball, tennis, weight lifting, ZUMBA, boot camp, exercise, yogastretch, silversneakers, silversplash

วันเสาร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

A MUST SEE!!!!! #14 "Soke" Dr. Benson Campbell / Kokoro-Bushi-Do Kempo Karate (Hope, Faith, Love)

A MUST SEE!!!!! #14 "Soke" Dr. Benson Campbell / Kokoro-Bushi-Do Kempo Karate (Hope, Faith, Love) Video Clips. Duration : 0.67 Mins.

"Soke" Dr. Campbell~Surface Striking vs Internal Striking (Penetration). "Bully Proof For The Youth" Training Seminar! Domain Apt. Complex Atlanta Ga. 4.24.11 (LIFE SKILLS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS)

Tags: combat sports, weightlifting, instructional video, workout, fitness, physical exercise, exercise, health, defence, tennis, sports, martial arts, wushu, defense, self defense, taekwondo, aikido, kempo, karate, Head, Master, Style, Soke, Dr., Benson, Campbell, Kokoro-Bushi-Do, Kokorobushido, jujitsu, jujutsu, hapkido, kungfu, china, japan, okinawa, korea, bully, bullying, protector, attacker, victm, survivor, survival, overcomer, predator

วันพุธที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Double Chin Exercises

Double Chin Exercises Video Clips. Duration : 2.80 Mins.

www.loseadoublechin.com There are a few methods you can use to get rid of a bifold chin; one of which is accomplishing bifold button exercises. Here are a few of those bifold button contest which can advice you get your old distinct button back. http

Tags: Jack, Lalanne, face, exercise, lift, double, chin, diet, weight, loss, bodybuilding

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Check Out Horizon Fitness RC-30 Recumbent Exercise Bike for $399.00

Horizon Fitness RC-30 Recumbent Exercise Bike Review

Horizon Fitness RC-30 Recumbent Exercise Bike Feature

  • Recumbent exercise bike for low-impact exercise in the home
  • Programmable resistance system with 8 levels; 10-pound flywheel
  • 8 workout programs, including manual, intervals, weight loss, and custom
  • Large LCD console for feedback; 275 pounds maximum weight capacity
  • Measures 66 x 52 x 26 inches (W x H x D); lifetime warranty on frame

Horizon Fitness RC-30 Recumbent Exercise Bike Overview

Horizon RC-30 - Sit back and get fit. Whether it's for the cardio workout or a desire to stay in cycling shape when the weather turns cold, an indoor exercise bike from Horizon is a low-impact, highly enjoyable way to achieve your goals. Built for stability, quiet operation and long life, the RC-30 is a smart addition to anyone's fitness routine. It's also easy to program, with 8 workouts and 8 resistance levels to choose from. COMFORT: Contoured, fully adjustable seat with lumbar support. Step-through frame design. CONTROL: Heavy-duty, 10-pound flywheel for fluid motion. 20-year brake warranty and 8 programmable resistance levels. CONVENIENCE: Clear LCD screen for key feedback. 8 programs and contact heart rate grips.

Horizon Fitness RC-30 Recumbent Exercise Bike Specifications

Sit back and get fit with the RC-30 recumbent exercise bike from Horizon Fitness. Whether the bike is intended for a cardio workout or to satisfy your desire to stay in cycling shape once the weather turns cold, the RC-30 bike offers a low-impact, highly enjoyable way to achieve your fitness goals. The RC-30 is distinguished by a programmable resistance system with eight different levels and eight workout programs, including Manual, Intervals, Rolling, Weight Loss, Tempo, Random, Custom 1, and Custom 2. The clear LCD screen, meanwhile, offers key workout feedback, helping you develop an effective training regimen.

The RC-30 is also notably comfortable, with a contoured, fully adjustable seat with a lumbar support and a step-through frame design that's easy to mount. Other details include a heavy-duty 10-pound flywheel that produces a fluid motion, pulse-grip heart rate monitors, and a maximum weight capacity of 275 pounds. The RC-30 measures 66 by 52 by 26 inches (W x H x D), weighs 105 pounds, and carries the following warranties: lifetime on the frame, 20 years on the brake, and one year on parts and labor.

About Recumbent Exercise Bikes
Despite the competition from trendy new fitness inventions, exercise bikes continue to be popular options for home exercise. They offer the same aerobic benefits of riding a bicycle at any time, in any weather, without leaving the comfort and safety of home. Exercise bikes don't take up much space, require little or no balance or coordination, and can provide an effective workout for all levels of users, from beginners to serious competitors. While the same could be said for a number of other types of home fitness equipment, the exercise bike is one of the few that allows you to watch television or read a magazine while you work out.

The term recumbent literally means "lying down." Exercising in a recumbent or reclining position allows the user to have full ergonomic back support, without causing strain on the arms, neck and shoulders, all of which can be common effects of using an upright bicycle. For many people, having convenient access to quality exercise equipment is critical to sticking with a long-term exercise program.

About Horizon Fitness
Horizon is part of Johnson Health Tech, one of the largest manufacturers of fitness equipment in the world. They are committed to designing, engineering, and manufacturing superior products for health clubs and homes. Horizon's manufacturing facilities rank among the most sophisticated in the industry, with an intricate mix of robotics and skilled workers that maintain the highest standards of accuracy and quality. Every stage of manufacturing has a testing phase and 10 percent of Horizon's products go through a rigorous quality inspection that includes completely taking them apart and reassembling them.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 14, 2011 07:20:18

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Ok actuality I am as a 7 year old accepting my aboriginal battle workout

Ok actuality I am as a 7 year old accepting my aboriginal battle workout Video Clips. Duration : 1.73 Mins.

with an ex best battle dad I capital a battle brawl for my altogether which my parents bought for me. Here I am 7 years old filmed by my dad. Enjoy!!! I did and still do.

Tags: nymphette7, boxing, bag, girl, woman, muscles, youth, fitness, workout, bodybuilding, christalou, ozay, rinpoche, iphone, birthday, 7

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

TruthOnHealth.org | Paul Pierce cranks up the advantageous antagonism with a fun bold of foursquare!

TruthOnHealth.org | Paul Pierce cranks up the advantageous antagonism with a fun bold of foursquare! Tube. Duration : 2.32 Mins.

In afresh video for his FitClub34 program, watch Paul crank up the advantageous antagonism with a fun bold of foursquare! Be abiding to analysis out all of Pierce's exercise videos throughout the division on Celtics on Demand, alone on Comcast. Select the Get Local class from the On Demand menu, accept NBA TV, Boston Celtics and Paul Pierce's FitClub34. Join FitClub34 at www.truthonhealth.org and apprentice fun means to get fit & break healthy!

Tags: boston celtics, paul pierce, fitclub34, truth on Health, exercise, nba, health, fitness, kids, youth

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Shaolin Kung Fu Exercises Which Promotes Agile Footwork and Intricate Hand Techniques

When many people think of Shaolin Kung Fu they think of meditation and chi. While it is true that Shaolin Kung Fu does stress meditation and the use of inner energy, it is actually an external form of Chinese martial arts. This means that it is more involved in the external powers and forces. There are many styles of Shaolin Kung Fu which can include many types of attacks and defenses including joint locks, punching, kicking, throws, straight blocking, force direction, and many more. However, the two things that most types of schools of Shaolin Kung Fu all stress is fast handwork and quick footwork. Many Shaolin Kung Fu exercises promote these skills.

When practicing Shaolin Kung Fu, striking it is important to keep the feet moving as you punch. If your feet are planted like roots you will not be able to adjust to the next attack or set up another attack. Your moves must flow from one to another and you must be ready to change your motions in mid-movement in case an opponent launches an attack. You should practice staying light on your feet and moving your weight around. Each attack must leave the door open for another quick attack, or a sudden defense. Your Shaolin Kung Fu exercises should strive for agile footwork while striking, rather than training both aspects independently.

Youth Fitness And Exercise

When practicing Shaolin Kung Fu punching you should also have targets that help improve your accuracy and speed. A strong punch is meaningless if it does not hit the target, or is so slow that it is easily blocked or countered. Your punches must also be fast so that you can quickly move into another attack, or react defensively. After a punch is thrown it should be retracted quickly so that arm can defend if needed. Many martial arts shops sell pads that can be mounted on a human body in many places such as the hands, ribs, and legs. Your training partner should wear these pads so that you can practice at full speed and have moving targets. While striking the pads at full speed your training partner should be moving around so that you have a moving target. Hand mounted pads are great because they can be moved very quickly to aid in the training of fast combos. You and your Shaolin Kung Fu training partner can develop a routine in which you strike at the left side of the face, and then the chest. Your partner can move the pad from one location to the next quickly, which forces you to strike two targets as fast as possible.

If your hands are fast and precise, and your footwork is light and agile, you will have quick attacks that cannot be blocked and will be able to react to any defense of offense. Too many people hit a punching bag target with their feet flat. Punching bags do not challenge your precision like a smaller moving target does.

Yoshi E Kundagawa is a freelance journalist. He covers the mixed martial arts industry. For a free report on shaolin kung fu exercises visit his blog.

Shaolin Kung Fu Exercises Which Promotes Agile Footwork and Intricate Hand Techniques

Yoshi Kundagawa is a freelance journalist covering the martial arts world. Too much time at his computer eating donuts reduced him to couch potato status. He's on a quest to recapture his youth and fitness. You can read his blog at [http://www.martialarts3000.com]

วันพุธที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Deep Breathing, Rejuvenating Exercises And the Quest For Longevity

Twenty minutes a day... Who doesn't want to look better, feel better and experience longevity? Of course our time on planet Earth is finite, that is a given, but if there are ways we can make our time here better by living in a healthier body, especially for a small investment of time and effort, then I say, sign me up!

For me that small investment of time is a daily routine that I have done for years called "The Five Rites", also known as "The Tibetan Five Rites" and "The Five Tibetans." There may be many other names for this series of simple exercises, but they are universally very much the same.

Youth Fitness And Exercise

I first came upon The Five Rites in a small book,"The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth" written by a mysterious Mr. Peter Kelder. A worthy read that sparked my interest and led me to making this practice a part of my daily life. I am very thankful of that, for the rewards have been many.

The claim made for the rites is that these exercises activate and stimulate the seven key chakras of the body. The chakras are energy vortexes of the body. Stimulating the chakras then stimulates all the glands of the endocrine system, which is responsible for the body's overall functioning and aging process. This means that The Five Rites will affect the functioning of all your organs and systems, physical and energetic and that includes the aging process. The man who brought The Five Rights out of Tibet stated that "performing the Five Rites stimulates the circulation of essential life energy throughout the body". Deep breathing as you are doing the exercises is a crucial part of the process. The value of just doing deep breathing exercises cannot be overstated! Combining the two feels like magic.

Well if all this sounds too "new age" or far fetched, I guess it kind of is! The way I look at it is that there are many things we don't understand about this life, and we don't know everything about everything. I can say that I have done these simple exercises, that also incorporate deep breathing, for years. What has been the result? Well, I'm currently 55. I have no medical issues, I take no medication, I have a pain free body, no middle age spread, plenty of energy, sound sleep, and a sharp mind. The 20 minutes a day has been time more than well spent.

Deep Breathing, Rejuvenating Exercises And the Quest For Longevity

Visit TheYouthFountain.com to learn more about The Five Rites, ideas on health and well being and ongoing discussion about life, age, and love.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Hot Deals Sunny Health & Fitness Magnetic Recumbent Bike

Sunny Health & Fitness Magnetic Recumbent Bike

Sunny Health & Fitness Magnetic Recumbent Bike Features

  • Smooth, quiet magnetic resistance for quiet operation in your home gym
  • Adjustable tension control, adjustable padded seat with comfortable back, for optimal safety
  • LCD display to show scan, time, speed, distance, calorie, ODO and pulse
  • Can withstand a maximum weight of 220 pounds
List Price : $299.00
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วันอังคารที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Exercise Will Reverse Your Aging

My Premature Aging Shocked Me.
I was shocked to find a person of greater age breathing better than me. We were doing the same work, and yet I was panting and he wasn't. Having led a largely sedentary lifestyle since leaving school I should not have been so surprised. I also noticed that several pairs of my pants were getting tighter around the waist. At 72 I was getting what in polite circles is termed "the dreaded middle aged spread". It was the breathing that really concerned me for I knew that poor breathing correlates with disease and ill-health. Until now I had not experienced either.

More to Health than Eating Well
Clearly there is more to health than eating well. By wife Dr Jill Engelmann and I had long ago researched and written about the topic of healthy eating, and I knew I was eating fresh natural foods. But now to exercise. From the experience of researching on healthy food, I knew that we had a massive job sorting through the multitude of myths created as a byproduct of marketing. As with our nutrition research I went back to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. To verify my findings I turned to our hunter animals, lion and tiger. These beasts of prey were skilled stalkers and sprinters who mostly fought and ate smaller unsuspecting prey. When first light appeared both the hunter and the hunted woke to the certain knowledge that what was important was the speed of their reflexes and the speed of their initial burst that determined the capture or escape. This gave me the clue that this is the way we should exercise, a burst of speed, followed by a recovery time.

Youth Fitness And Exercise

Aging is About Declining Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
Starting around 30 our production of HGH goes into decline. This is aging. Over thousands of years our body's metabolism has adapted to the demands we placed on it. I knew that by gradually increasing the demands and given the correct diet my body would adjust to enormous demands. It only gives up when we impose excessive challenges such as marathons. Science has taught us that when we over stress the body we ignite the fires of inflammation. This is why some seemingly healthy people suffer heart failure.

Moderate Intensity Exercise Reverses Loss of Brain Volume
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Illinois, Rice University and Ohio State in the US, confirmed that I was on the right track.
"We demonstrate that loss of hippocampal (brain) volume in late adulthood is not inevitable and can be reversed with moderate-intensity exercise," the team wrote, suggesting that a few laps around the track might be a particularly cost-effective way to treat a widespread health problem - without the side effects of medication. I now also know that the right sort of exercise will affect our telomeres and result in the production of HGH. My search had been motivated by the desire to slow down or at best halt the decline in the production of HGH. I found that by employing a specific exercise strategy I could influence my telomeres so that I could actually increase the production of HGH.

You Cannot Reverse your Aging if you Remain Sedentary

If we are sedentary our stem cells found in our bone marrow will get the signal and become fat cells. This explains the massive damage done by prolonged periods of computer, T.V. or video games. The active person sends a different signal and will produce, for example bone cells. The stem cells are making choices e.g. fat cell or bone cell based on our behavior. Thus Dr. Rubin said "consider breaking up your workout into several sessions".

I Certainly Reversed my Premature Aging
My approach has sharpened my thinking, my concentration, my alertness and produced a deeper sleep. I understand why researchers reported in Science Daily that "exercise is the most powerful lifestyle choice any individual can make to improve their health". We wrote about my journey to reverse my aging in our ebook I Can Reverse Aging http://icanreverseaging.com/

Exercise Will Reverse Your Aging

My name is John Engelmann. My wife, Dr Jill Engelmann and I have written an e-book I Can Reverse Aging documenting my journey to reverse my premature aging. One of the important tools I used was a specific exercise routine. Go to http://Icanreverseaging.com/

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Sunbury air cadet with the course of them.

Sunbury air cadet with the course of them. Video Clips. Duration : 2.57 Mins.

Sunbury Air Cadets are the alone adolescence organisation in the UK to accept their own obstacle course! Hand congenital by the cadets and agents aback in 1999, it is advised 1 of the best arduous and fun obstacle courses throughout the accomplished of the British Armed Forces. Think you're up for this? If you're over 13 years old, appear bottomward and accept a attending at what we do! We're accessible every Monday & Thursday night amid 19:30-22:00, and best weekends. Or you can alarm us on 862@aircadets.org or 01932 787894 e - mail.

Tags: 862, sunbury, squadron, air, training, corps, cadets, obstacle, course, royal, force, raf, jet, plane, aeroplane, aircraft, wall, balance, beams, rope, swing, monkey, bars, corporal, cpl, sergeant, sgt, flight, warrant, officer, commission, exercise, fitness, activity, activities, uniform

วันอังคารที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Resistance band training, competition Gaines strength.

Resistance band training, competition Gaines strength. Tube. Duration : 0.37 Mins.

Andrea Martinez over £ 70 and perform all the backbone of the resistance.

Keywords: vertical, youth, strength, football, training, band, press, powerlifting, camp, fitness, workout, exercise, push

วันเสาร์ที่ 3 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Crescendo Fitness Magnetic Resistance Elliptical Cross Trainer

Crescendo Fitness Magnetic Resistance Elliptical Cross Trainer

Crescendo Fitness Magnetic Resistance Elliptical Cross Trainer

  • Versatile elliptical trainer with smooth magnetic resistance system
  • 8-pound bidirectional flywheel; pair of adjustable push-pull handlebars
  • Ideal for losing weight, building endurance, and toning muscles
  • Minimizes strain on knees and joints; large, comfortable foot pedals
  • 250-pound capacity; measures 52.75 x 60.6 x 22.4 inches (W x H x D)
List Price : $599.99
Our Price : $229.99
You Save : 62%

Wall mounting your Plasma or LCD TV can be achieved in five easy steps. Tools required are a ratchet set for the mount screws, drill, level or tape measure, sheet rock knife (if placing wires in the wall).

Step 1) Determine where you want to mount your TV. Consider a place where direct sunlight will not hit the TV. You may also want to think about where you can position the speakers to get the best surround sound and where the best arrangement for seating. General rule is that the seating distance should be 1.5 times from the diagonal size of the TV. When seated the bottom of the TV should be at eye height.

Lcd Tv

Step 2) Now that you know where the TV will be located, the next step is to locate the studs in the wall. It is very important that your TV mount be securely fastened to a stud and not just the wallboard. The easiest way to the studs is to buy a stud finder ( at Home Depot).

Step 3) Now that we know where the TV will be and where the studs are in the wall, we need to determine how to run the cables from your equipment to where the TV will be on the wall. One option is to run the cables in the wall. Another option is to use a cable cover then texture and paint the cover to match the wall. If running cables in the wall, cut a hole where the TV will be and cut a hole where your equipment will be. Make sure the holes do not cross over a stub unless you plan on drilling a hole in the stud for the cables to run through. Run the wires in the wall.

Step 4) Now that the wires are run and we know where the mount needs to be, the next step is to connect the mount to the wall. Make sure that the mount is level, either by using a level or my measuring from the floor to each side of the mount. Also make sure the screws go into the studs and that you drill starter holes for the screws so that you do not crack the studs. Most mounts come with the screws and tell you which size holes to drill.

Step 5) Last step is to place the TV on the mount. This is actually the hardest step, make sure you have help with this step as it is difficult to see the mount and lift the TV at the same time.

Wall Mount Your Plasma Or LCD TV

For additional details, pictures and tips for each step, see our How to Wall Mount A TV page.

James Unterreiner is the editor and publisher of Home Theater, Automation and Electronics - Everything you need to know to create an exciting Home Theater that exceeds your expectations, excites your friends and neighbors and stays within your budget.

วันพุธที่ 31 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Now save your life! With Arnie Fonseca Jr..

Now save your life! With Arnie Fonseca Jr.. Video Clips. Duration : 2.50 Mins.

To adapt the gestures Arnie Fonseca Jr. drillmaster, so you can accept life AWESOME TIME! Arnie I encourage you to strengthen your body and the width to make you big and will use more energy.

Tags: Fitness, wellness, arnie, arnie fonseca, arnie fonseca jr. over 50, senior, exercise, chair exercise, chair workout, chair workouts, nutrition, sports, health, wealthfitness, boomers, baby boomers, beach body, get fit, fit, strengthe, your awesome life now, awesome life, training, arms, legs, core training, stretching, over 50, fifty and over, fountain of youth

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

5 Exercises That Slim Down Your Belly

Looking good with your shirt off is fashionable in any season. Spring, summer, winter or fall, it's one of those things that we all want, but only some of us make the time to achieve.

A chiseled torso is the envy of everyone else on the beach, at the park, at the gym, and in the boardroom. Of course, it also helps on dates, in relationships, and in the bedroom. The real mark of a hot body is, of course, having a slim belly.

Youth Fitness And Exercise

Why a Slim Belly Looks So Good

People who care about how they look are usually not afraid to put in some work to achieve results. Many people spend a lot of time working their arms, legs, back, and chest to get the type of body others can only dream about. But, a common complaint among people who exercise frequently is that achieving a slim belly is hard to do, making it the final frontier in rounding out that perfect body.

The reason that a slim belly looks so good is that precisely because many people find it so hard to actually get. You see, as we age, men and women alike tend to gain weight each year. And, for most people, that weight goes right to the stomach. That is why, buried deep in our genetic makeup, we all equate a thin belly and washboard stomach with youth and sexiness.

Common Excuses People Make

Despite how rewarding of an achievement it is, people love coming up with excuses for why they cannot seem to get that slim belly. These include:

1. It is too much work.

2. I can't find the time to eat and exercise the way I should.

3. I do not have the right genetics for it.

4. I do not know which exercises to do.

The Truth about Looking Your Best

The truth is, getting a fit stomach is not as much work as you might think: if you know what you are doing, that is. And, each of us has the same 24 hours in a day, so time management is really what it is all about. What about the excuse about having bad genes? Well, while it is true that some people are just born with a higher average metabolism, anyone and everyone can achieve a flat belly if they know which steps to take.

Exercises that Slim Down Your Belly

While diet is a major factor that cannot be ignored, exercise is also key. Here are 5 exercises that slim down your belly:

1. Walk at a brisk pace for at least 20 to 30 minutes each day. You can walk that distance all at once or break it into parts.

2. Breathe deeply. This may not seem like a "real" exercise at first, but make no mistake, it is. Breathing deeply oxygenates your blood (to help burn calories) and also works your abdominal muscles.

3. Get up from your desk, chair or couch once every 45 minutes to an hour. This keep your blood flowing more freely through your lower body and abdomen.

4. Do the bicycle crunch ab exercise. This one will tone the muscles underneath your belly fat so that when you burn off that fat, you will have something to show for it! To do it: lie flat on floor with your back pressed to the ground. Put your hands beside or behind your head, then bend your knees to a 45-degree angle. Slowly "pedal" your legs.

5. Do sit-ups on an exercise ball. This one, too, will tone your stomach into the washboard look you want. Just sit back on the ball as if you were lying on the floor, then do regular sit-ups.

Remember, seek and ye shall find. Put the effort into educating yourself about how to achieve and maintain that slim belly and you will be rewarded with the kind of body that you used to only dream about.

5 Exercises That Slim Down Your Belly

The crown jewel of a hot body is a flat belly and ripped abs. Get a complete how-to guide that will have you looking great in no time at: http://www.truth-about-abs.info.

วันพุธที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Exercise teenager Heather.

Exercise teenager Heather. Tube. Duration : 1.30 Mins.

Training videos Heather Jordan, a woman of 14 years, Heather, a professional tennis player to adapt and now she is a manager / personal trainer at the gym in Dallas Heather many children remain out of your post. Can showcaseing her.

Tags: youth, fitness, dallasworkoutthegym

วันศุกร์ที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Check Out Best Fitness BFOB10 Olympic Bench for $159.00

Best Fitness BFOB10 Olympic Bench Review

Best Fitness BFOB10 Olympic Bench Feature

  • All-in-one free weight center for performing a total body workout
  • Fully adjustable to flat, decline, and incline (3) positions
  • Adjustable uprights accommodate users of different heights
  • Heavy-duty back pad and oversized foam rollers; folding frame
  • Measures 41 x 45 x 68 inches (W x H x D); 3-year frame warranty

Best Fitness BFOB10 Olympic Bench Overview

Best Fitness home workout equipment is manufactured to the same high standards as those set by industry leader Body Solid. Affordably priced and ergonomically designed to fit any household, Best Fitness machines are tested tough and proven effective for a slimmer waistline, defined chest, stronger back, well muscled arms and legs and healthy cardiovascular workouts.

Best Fitness BFOB10 Olympic Bench Specifications

The space-efficient BFOB10 folding Olympic bench is an all-in-one free weight center that delivers a total body workout with room to grow. The bench makes it easy to perform bench presses, incline presses, leg extension, leg curls, and much more. The bench is fully adjustable, with a flat setting, three incline settings, and a decline setting, along with adjustable uprights to accommodate users of different heights. The heavy-duty back pad and oversized foam rollers, meanwhile, make leg exercises just as comfortable to perform as bench presses. And thanks to the folding frame, it's a breeze to store and transport the bench. Affordably priced and appropriate for just about any household, the BFOB10 measures 41 by 45 by 68 inches (W x H x D) when fully assembled and 41 by 72 by 26 inches (W x H x D) when folded. It also carries a three-year warranty on the frame and a one-year warranty on all other parts.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 19, 2011 15:55:11

วันพุธที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Check Out LifeSpan TR 1200i Folding Treadmill (2011 Model) for $999.00

LifeSpan TR 1200i Folding Treadmill (2011 Model) Review

LifeSpan TR 1200i Folding Treadmill (2011 Model) Feature

  • 2.5-horsepower folding treadmill with spacious 20-by-56-inch running surface
  • Biomechanically correct deck suspension system supports up to 300 pounds
  • Multicolored LCD console tracks your time, calories, distance, speed, and more
  • Offers several weight loss, healthy living, sports training, and heart rate programs
  • EZ Drop folding system; measures 33 x 54 x 70 inches (W x H x D); lifetime warranty on frame and motor
  • Treadmill Doctor "Best Buy" Award for Best New Treadmill; Fitness Professor "Head of the Class" Best Treadmill under ,000 for 2011

LifeSpan TR 1200i Folding Treadmill (2011 Model) Overview

The LifeSpan TR1200i folding treadmill is durable, reliable, and loaded with valuable features, helping you walk, jog, or run with confidence in the comfort of your own home. The treadmill's pleasing design includes safe and convenient handlebar controls, which let you control your speed and incline without ever removing your hands from the handlebars. As a result, you can run or walk without fear of losing your concentration or balance while adjusting your pace. The TR1200i is also built for comfort and power, with a 2.5-horsepower motor, 2.5-inch front rollers, a spacious 20-by-56-inch running surface, and a biomechanically sound deck suspension system that supports people up to 300 pounds. And to help you track your workout progress, the treadmill automatically saves your exercise data to your USB storage device. Once the info is saved, you can upload it to your personal online LifeSpan Fitness Club account, giving you access to exercise programs and detailed reports of your exercise and health results.

The multicolored LCD console tracks your time, distance, calories, and more.
The centerpiece of the TR1200i, however, is the multicolored LCD console, which offers several simultaneous readouts and exercise programs to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. The display tracks your time, calories, distance, steps, heart rate, speed, and incline level, with large soft-touch keys helping you get started and control your momentum. More importantly, the console offers 17 preset workout programs that help you vary your exercise routine--a critical factor for people trying to get in shape. The TR1200i's workout programs, which are designed by exercise physiologists to keep you safe and motivated, are grouped by exercise motivation, so you can quickly choose a workout that's right for you. All programs include 20 different segments, each with its own speed and inline level set according to the purpose of the program.

In addition to the preset programs, the treadmill offers two My Zone heart rate control programs and two custom programs. The My Zone Constant program keeps your heart rate at a constant level--thereby using your heart rate as a fitness tool--while the My Zone Interval program lets you enter your own minimum and maximum hear rate. As you exercise, the treadmill speed and incline will automatically adjust to keep your heart rate at the preferred level. By contrast, the custom programs are fully adaptable to your favored workout formula. That's because you're in charge of setting the speed and incline level for each of the 20 program segments, and then saving them for future use.

As a bonus, when you purchase a LifeSpan TR1200i treadmill, you automatically receive a membership to the LifeSpan Fitness Club. This comprehensive online health management program, powered by the Interactive Health Partner, lets you select exercise programs, track and manage your fitness and health results, and receive motivating support as you work toward achieving your goals. The LifeSpan Fitness Club is easy to use: each time you work out on the TR1200i, the treadmill automatically saves your exercise results on your LifeSpan USB storage device. Because the USB device is personalized with your age, gender, and weight, not only do you bypass setup screens, you also receive accurate calorie calculations based on your data. Every 20 seconds during your workout, the console will then record your heart rate, minutes, miles, steps, and calories. After your workout, you simply upload your results to your personalized online account on your computer using the USB device. You'll then have access to a full set of detailed reports and fun facts that you can analyze or share with friends, family, fitness coaches, or physicians.

Other details include a set of built-in, high-quality speakers and a iPod/headphone jack, making it easy to listen to music as you walk or run; an Intelli-Step step-counting feature that works like a pedometer; 15 incline levels.

The treadmill includes a folding frame with an automatic EZ Drop system.


  • Belt size: 20 by 56 inches
  • Drive motor: 2.5-horsepower continuous-duty DC
  • Belt type: 2 ply
  • Incline motor: 800-pounds maximum lift
  • Rollers: 2.5 inches (front), 2 inches (rear)
  • Speed: 0.5 to 11 miles per hour
  • Incline: 15 levels
  • Deck suspension: 6 variable-density elastomers
  • Deck: 3/4-inch phenolic
  • Folding system: EZ Drop
  • Side rails: Nonslip plastic
  • Full dimensions: 33 by 54 by 70 inches (W x H x D)
  • Folded dimensions: 39 by 66 by 33 inches
  • Capacity: 300 pounds

Manufacturer's Warranty
Lifetime on the frame and motor, 3 years on parts, 1 year on labor

About PCE Health and Fitness
Founded in 1994 in Park City, Utah, PCE Health and Fitness has established a reputation for innovation, quality, and community responsibility. In 2001, the company introduced the LifeSpan line of fitness equipment targeting the over-55, value-conscious consumer. The award-winning line of exercise equipment is now sold by fitness retailers across the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, and has grown to include both a high-value home series and a pro series that targets the high-end home user and the institutional customer. The company's awards include a Gold Medal Excellence Award from the Industrial Design Society of America, the Treadmill Doctor Best New Treadmill of the Year, and multiple Best Buy and Recommend Buy awards from the Consumer Guide and many others.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 10, 2011 06:05:19

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Check Out Schwinn 120 Upright Exercise Bike for $245.00

Schwinn 120 Upright Exercise Bike Review

Schwinn 120 Upright Exercise Bike Feature

  • Upright exercise bike for the home with 16 resistance levels and 13.2-pound flywheel
  • 12 workout programs, including 6 course profiles, fitness test, and custom workout
  • Integrated grip heart rate system for easy fitness monitoring
  • Ergonomic pedal design for efficient and comfortable pedaling
  • 275-pound maximum user weight; 5-year warranty on frame, 1 year on parts and electronics

Schwinn 120 Upright Exercise Bike Overview

The Schwinn® 120 upright bike delivers a compact design that relies on core muscles to balance your body weight. It features BioFit™ comfort with ergonomic pedals and an adjustable console, seat and handlebars. BioDyne™ performance offers a perimeter-weighted flywheel for a true road feel and smooth, consistent workouts, while oversized stabilizers and levelers are built-in for a solid workout platform.

Schwinn 120 Upright Exercise Bike Specifications

Save money on monthly gym fees and get yourself in shape at the same time with the compact, comfortable Schwinn 120 upright exercise bike.

The Schwinn 120 upright exercise bike for the home.
It offers a compact design and the feel of a more traditional outdoor bike while relying on core, stabilizing muscles to balance your body weight. Features include a 13.2-pound flywheel, 16 resistance levels, 12 programs, adjustable handlebars, and contact heart rate monitoring built into the handlebars. It also includes the following exclusive Schwinn features:

BioFit Comfort:

  • Ergonomic pedal design for efficient and comfortable pedaling
  • Adjustable console, seat and handlebars

BioDyne Performance:

  • Perimeter weighted flywheel for a true road feel, and smooth, consistent workouts
  • Oversized stabilizers and levelers that are built-in for a solid workout platform

BioConnect Feedback:

  • 12 workout programs, including 6 course profiles, fitness test, and custom workout
  • Integrated grip heart rate system for easy fitness monitoring

Features & Specifications:

  • 16 resistance levels
  • 13.2-pound flywheel
  • Eddy Current Brake (ECB) resistance system
  • Adjustable handlebars
  • Transport wheels
  • Switchable from miles to kilometers (KM)
  • Maximum user weight: 275 pounds

Manufacturer's Warranty
5 years on the frame, 1 year on parts and electronics, 3 months on wear parts, 3 months on labor

The Schwinn 120's exercise console (see larger image).

Ergonomic pedals offer efficient and comfortable pedaling.

Compare These Upright Exercise Bikes

Schwinn Active Series 10
Schwinn 120
Schwinn 140
Nautilus U514
Resistance Levels8161616
Resistance SystemMagnetic Eddy Current BrakeMagnetic Eddy Current BrakeMagnetic Eddy Current BrakeMagnetic Eddy Current Brake
Number of Programs11121817
Heart Rate MonitorGrip Heart Rate SensorContact Heart RateTelemetry and Contact Heart RatePolar heart rate programs, with telemetry, grip, and chest belt (included)
Display ReadoutSpeed, RPM, time, distance, watts, calories, pulseTime, distance, pulse, watts, speed, calories, resistanceTime, interval time, RPM, watts, distance, pulse, speed, calories, resistanceTime, interval time, RPM, watts, distance, pulse, speed, calories, resistance
Dimensions40 x 20 x 53 inches (L x W x H)36.5 x 20.5 x 51.5 inches (L x W x H)42 x 21 x 52 inches (L x W x H)42 x 21"x 52 inches (L x W x H)
Product Weight58 pounds73 pounds88 pounds88 pounds
Weight Capacity275 pounds275 pounds300 pounds300 pounds
WarrantyFrame: 3 years, mechanical and electric: 6 monthsFrame: 5 years, mechanical and electric: 1 year, wear parts: 90 daysFrame: 5 years, mechanical and electric: 1 year, wear parts: 90 daysFrame: 10 years, mechanical: 2 years, electric: 1 year, wear parts: 6 months
Other FeaturesWater bottle holder, rear stabilizers, transport wheelsReading rack, rear stabilizers, transport wheels, adjustable handlebars, switchable from miles to kilometersReading rack, water bottle holder, rear stabilizers, transport wheels, adjustable handlebars, switchable from miles to kilometers, fore / aft seat adjustment, oversized pedals, oversized saddleReading rack, water bottle holder, fan, rear stabilizers, transport wheels, adjustable handlebars, fore / aft seat adjustment, oversized pedals, oversized saddle

About Exercise Bikes
Despite the competition from trendy new fitness inventions, exercise bikes continue to be popular options for home exercise. They offer the same aerobic benefits of riding a bicycle at any time, in any weather, without leaving the comfort and safety of home. Exercise bikes don't take up much space, require little or no balance or coordination, and can provide an effective workout for all levels of users, from beginners to serious competitors. While the same could be said for a number of other types of home fitness equipment, the exercise bike is one of the few that allows you to watch television or read a magazine while you work out. For many people, having convenient access to quality exercise equipment is critical to sticking with a long-term exercise program.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 07, 2011 16:40:24